Fort Street High School Mural Commissions

The Wall Station has completed a large vibrant mural commission at Fort Street High School in Petersham, in Sydney’s Inner West.
The brief was to create a progressive, imaginative, urban, irreverent, quirky and diverse set of murals to brighten up five separate areas at Fort Street High School. Students, teachers and the P&C were involved in brainstorming ideas for the murals with artist Phibs and The Wall Station.
Three artwork shops were held with nominated students, followed by students assisting Phibs to paint the lower sections of the murals and the artist working solo to complete the higher areas. Public art has been proven to have a strong impact on the way communities use spaces, and the way they take ownership of and relate to, public space.
This rings particularly true for the transformation at Fort Street High School with Phibs and students at Fort Street High School as they transformed a dark eatery into a bright and inspired space to eat in, installing bold designs and colours on the ‘brutalist’ architecture of the library and stairwell, and powerful creative designs in the Upper and Lower Courtyards.